I am determined to make this year a great success despite whatever challenges are thrown my way! I've set myself ten goals for the year ahead and hope you will follow my journey as I set out to accomplish each one.
I will share the full details about each challenge over the next few weeks - but I've summarised these below for those who are keen to discover more. I hope that I may have inspired some of you to commit yourself to a challenge for the year ahead.

Here is a brief summary about each of the goals I am hoping to achieve:
Launch a Business - I aim to officially launch a new business project that I have been developing in my spare time with some great people. Having previously failed at starting a business now three times, I've learnt so many valuable lessons.
Fundraising for Mental Health - On average, 14 men take their own lives each day. To raise awareness and funds, I will undertake a series of resilience-testing challenges to raise £10,000 for the Men and Their Emotions (M.A.T.E) charity.
Rebuilding Confidence - My tenure as CEO was shorter than Liz Truss’s time as Prime Minister. Rising to the top and then hitting rock bottom has been a challenging experience, and rebuilding my confidence remains a work in progress.
Launch a Podcast - Starting a podcast has been a long-term goal of mine. Despite previous unsuccessful attempts, I have realised that being my own harshest critic has held me back - this time, I am committed to making it happen.
Expanding My Network - I will implement my 'Connect with 10' strategy - my personal approach to networking - by connecting with 10 like-minded individuals each week to build meaningful professional relationships.
Consistent Content Sharing - I plan to share regular updates with my network, offering valuable content such as insights, practical tips, and personal stories to engage, help and support others.
Improving Fitness - To enhance my physical health, I will take up rowing and hiking, while also committing to walking at least 10,000 steps each day—including walking the dogs!
Writing a Book - Writing a book has always been a dream of mine. I will dedicate myself to writing one page per day, with the goal of publishing my book in 2026.
Volunteering for a Charity - I will contribute my time and skills to support a charitable organisation in a volunteer role, giving back to the community in a meaningful way.
7-Day Technology Detox Challenge - To disconnect from digital distractions, I will embark on a 7-day technology detox—locking away all devices and spending time in a remote location with no internet or digital access.
I will share news and updates regularly on each of my goals. I explain each challenge in more detail in future posts and my motivations behind each one. Please subscribe for updates. I hope will be part of this personal journey by following me (I am eternally grateful).
If you can help support me with the logistics for any of my challenges then I'd love to hear from you!
A quote: "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." – Albert Einstein